Joe Biden is illegitimate. Joe Biden is not running the United States. Joe Biden is slow walking the United States into a major regional war, at a minimum. At worst, we are on the brink of a limited nuclear war. These are not partisan political daggers. This is pure, unemotional observation and demonstrable fact.
Joe Biden is illegitimate. It was never mathematically possible for Joe Biden to have won the 2020 Presidential election. Vote fraud, captured media, and captured judiciaries—all war gamed and put in place during Trump’s presidency—ensured a successful, largely bloodless coup d’état. If your first reflex reading this is to begin saying “conspiracy theory,” congratulations. Your programming was successful. That Joe Biden is illegitimate is no longer a topic for discussion. We’ve moved on from that discussion. We’ve all wasted enough time debating the issue. In fact, the controversy has been stoked and kept alive by precisely the enemy responsible for it, so they can continue their maneuvers unnoticed, just off stage. Any reasonable, neutral, non-partisan observer would come to the same conclusion. If you haven’t reached this conclusion then, dear reader, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt in assuming you have not seen the same data the rest of us have seen.
Joe Biden is not running the United States. Hunter Biden’s laptop is very real. Tony Bobulinski and his politically charged claims are very real. Because Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton were unelectable, Joe Biden was deemed the most corrupt—and therefore most controllable—option to be installed as President. Because Joe Biden is so very corrupt, and because he knows a full vetting of his corruption would mean imprisonment for the remainder of his days, he’s cooperating with the unelected, unseen cabal of players pulling his strings and writing his scripts. Kamala Harris was chosen for her unlikability and incompetence, as a measure for the public to fear her ascendency to the Presidency, thereby ensuring Joe Biden could continue serving as long as possible. Again, this is accepted fact inside the Beltway, D. C. It’s common knowledge, on both sides of the aisle. It’s an open secret. The media runs an industrial level psyop, with both parties’ acquiescence, so they can all keep their D. C. jobs, retain their power, and keep their money flowing. If you don’t already know this, it’s because you are, understandably and mercifully, unfamiliar with national and global politics.
COVID-19. Stolen elections. Mass suppression of civil rights. Economic warfare via inflation and corrupt Federal Reserve actions. Open borders. Mass illegal immigration. Civil strife. Fentanyl murders. Cashless bail. Unprosecuted crimes. Media corruption. Open petty political money laundering via the stock market, book deals, and art deals. FTX. Industrial money laundering via the military industrial complex. This all happened in the space of twenty-four months under Joe Biden. That’s not an accident. That’s not incompetence. That’s a plan in action. In 2020, the United States military reigned supreme on the planet. Only asymmetric warfare could defeat the United States. If you were trying to destroy the United States, would you do it any other way? Could you do it any other way? No. You couldn’t. To be defeated, the United States must be corrupted from within. That process is well underway.
Joe Biden is slow walking the United States into a major regional war, at a minimum. This is obvious. The unaudited, unaccountable tsunami of U. S. taxpayer money flowing into the Ukraine, and back to politicians, is gross. A small portion of that money flows back to weapons producers for direct-buy weapons. Now, countries are sending hardware directly to Ukraine, en masse. The Ukraine flag lapel wearing crowd feels good about themselves. Hoorah. Go Zelensky. Most of that hardware will be sold on the black market, and not used for its stated purpose. Unsaid, there is no way Ukraine can operate this equipment on a useful timeline. U. S. soldiers spend entire careers training on this equipment and studying battlefield tactics, for use within a constellation of skilled battlefield commanders and state of the art communications networks. It is implausible—laughable on its face—that Ukraine could effectively employ this hardware. Vladimr Putin’s war machine would, and will, roll past this absurdity unnoticed. Like the build-up to the Vietnam War, this trickle of hardware will lead to a river of hardware and “advisors” to Ukraine. This is how the United States, et al., gets unwillingly dragged into a major regional war. We largely left Afghanistan under Trump. The military industrial complex lost its flow of money. Joe Biden was installed and promptly pulled chocks in Afghanistan, leaving Americans, poppy fields, lithium, and billions of dollars of hardware. It was the most disgusting, disgraceful military event in American history. It was a true breach of faith with American servicemen. And it paved the way for the machine to get its war fix in Ukraine, long a center for drugs, biolabs, sex trafficking, hacking, and money laundering. Yes, the rabbit hole is deep in Ukraine. It's endless, in fact. We will never fully know the depths of Ukraine’s corruption. You can safely assume that any politician not apoplectic, and shrieking 24/7/365 to get out of Ukraine is either corrupted, or culpably negligent.
And so, we arrive at the fix. It’s battlefield triage. If you don’t think we’re already at war, you haven’t been paying attention. Kamala Harris must use the 25th Amendment, Section 4:
25th Amendment to the United States Constitution, Section 4.
Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.
Joe needs to go. There’s no time to dally. Get it done. Kamala isn’t ready or remotely qualified, and she’ll need our support, be we must do it. We don’t know who’s running the United States, and it shows. Whomever is writing the script for Joe Biden owes and shows no allegiance to the United States. That is the premise under which we must proceed with all vigor. Unless and until our representatives get loud, and push the America first agenda, we must assume they are captured. We must make every effort to make our representatives’ inaction unconscionable, unacceptable, and unbearable. Force them to act for America and Americans, or to quit. If they quit, replace them with hardened-hearted American warriors. If we are to save our country, it is the only way. The clock is ticking.
Friends, readers, I take no pleasure in saying these things. I do so with no partisan agenda. My family and I live very blessed, very full lives. We could easily keep our heads down, and watch the sun set every day, largely unaffected. But we are Americans. We worry about the lives our children will lead should we fail to act. We worry about America. I served the United States for more than 20 years. In the mid-90s, I met Vladimir Putin and his advisors, my peers, as part of a large group. Do not underestimate him. There is no just cause for the current state of the world. There is no direct, definable, defendable, legitimate American interest in Ukraine. This is not our fight. We should not be involved.
Be well.
At the time, he was not leading Russia. I was a low-level functionary. Outer ring of the room-seen, and not heard. I interacted with my peers though, over several days. Putin was and is extremely intelligent and has a grasp on world politics few can match. Zelensky was installed by the CIA under Obama. Recall Biden's remarks about firing the prosector to get American aid, and draw your own conclusions. Since he took control of Ukraine, Zelensky has mercilessly bombed Donbass. Donbass is populated mainly by ethnic Russians, many of whom maintain close ties with family in Russia. They are largely Russian Orthodox Christian. Zelensky is a jew, and holds traditional jew viewpoints about non-jews. That is a source of conflict as well. Russians are putting pressure on Putin to save their Ukrainian family members and friends, and he feels an obligation to do so. Putin does not want, and strongly signaled, that NATO would not be allowed to have a foothold in the Ukraine, within close striking distance to Russia. The west, and NATO, are pushing him on this line in the sand. Putin does not back down--ever. Combined with the known sex trades, biolabs, and international money laundering, Putin could no longer tolerate the danger Ukraine posed to Russia, and to Crimea--a critical Russian warm water port. I'm no Putin fan, but the West in general, NATO, and the United States are far from blameless here. We are in a full-on proxy war with Russia already. Everyone in politics and in the military knows it. They just won't say it out loud or in mixed company. Hope that helps.
Please tell us more about your meeting with Putin.
Do you believe his operation is legitimate?